Fixing A Problem On A JCB
Our experienced engineer Neil headed over to Wrexham last week to fix a problem on a JCB.
We had a call from a customer who was having problems with their truck and after an initial inspection by one of our engineers on site it was established that it was a problem with the tyres. We quickly identified what parts were needed and ordered them so that we could get the problem fixed as soon as possible.
Neil ventured out early to pick up a replacement wheel for the truck and then went to pick the necessary parts up. After picking the parts up directly from JCB Neil returned to our workshop to swap over the hub bearing and fit the studs to the hub. Neil then travelled to the site in Wrexham, signed in and first changed the wheel over. Then he fitted the new hub and wheel to one side before replacing the studs on the other. We were on and off site as quickly as possible so as to cause minimum disruption to the customer and they now can boast a fully working JCB truck that will be performing at peak levels.
We can complete repairs on almost any kind of truck or material handling equipment. With nearly 50 years experience our engineers are well versed in working on a large range of trucks. If you’ve got any problems with your trucks find out more about our repair services here.